Following its establishment in 1995, Quantum unveiled its inaugural collection, featuring the Barracuda, a professional diver watch manufactured in Japan. In 1997, Quantum quickly began to be marketed on the international market, and is still expanding globally today. Quantum watches are made for those who like pushing the boundaries of what they can do, which includes explorers worldwide as well as divers and pilots. These timepieces, which combine premium components, cutting-edge manufacturing processes, and creative designs with affordable costs, are regarded as status symbols for elegance and sophistication.

Customers can choose from an extensive collection of watches made of steel, titanium, sapphire and anti-reflective glass, butterfly buckles, Swarovski elements, Swiss luminova, unique caseback designs, and integrated leather straps. These watches are manufactured with quality and durability in mind. Quantum has selected each of these materials in its whole to be fluid in design. In the Quantum World, being stylish and logical go hand in hand. Take advantage of Quantum's chic designs and reasonable rates to add the most practical finishing touches to your look.

Quantum watches


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